Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Landlord agency needed

  • 21 Mar 2012 3:21 PM
    Message # 865207

    Does anyone know of a good landlord agency to do background checks, employment verification, credit reporting, etc.?  I've used Nat'l Assn of Independent Landlords in the past, but they're not very responsive. 

    I'm also considering getting a property management company that would only handle processing applications and credit reporting (as described above).

    Thanks for the help.

  • 22 Mar 2012 2:07 AM
    Reply # 865644 on 865207
    Cindy Carriger (Administrator)
    I have used mrlandlord.com with pretty good success.  I have not renewed lately-and about anyone you use you may have to have an 'office' visit to make sure you keep the records under lock and key- (in the locked file cab, and then likely a locked room and then locked house...or office.  Not totally sure, but they should be able to tell you.  They have phone support that has pretty good hours as i recall.  Report prices are reasonable, and they offer eviction cks as well.

    As far as property management Suzette Teague does that.  I have her number in my phone, but don't have it on me right now...if you want it, let me or Robin know (by replying)- and we can get it for you!

    good luck on that!
  • 22 Mar 2012 8:45 AM
    Reply # 865859 on 865207
    Thanks Cindy, I'll check them out.  I have Suzette's number, so I'll give her a call and see what services she has available.
  • 22 Mar 2012 10:14 AM
    Reply # 865915 on 865207
    Deleted user
    Jesus Galaviz wrote:

    Does anyone know of a good landlord agency to do background checks, employment verification, credit reporting, etc.?  I've used Nat'l Assn of Independent Landlords in the past, but they're not very responsive. 

    I'm also considering getting a property management company that would only handle processing applications and credit reporting (as described above).

    Thanks for the help.

    Check out Rowan James Properties. We are a full service property management company. What does this mean for you? We take care of everything! You can find us on Facebook (rowan James). If you would like more information you can contact me at ashley@rowanjamesproperties.com and Ericka at Ericka@rowanjamesproperties.com.


  • 22 Mar 2012 8:14 PM
    Reply # 866375 on 865207
    Deleted user
    We use www.ntnonline.com and are very pleased with service.
  • 23 Mar 2012 10:00 AM
    Reply # 866798 on 865207


    Can you tell me what the fees are with NTN?  I've checked out their site, but I didn't find any good info on specific packages they offer, and the general description of their services seemed to indicate that they charge premium prices.  Thanks.

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