Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

An interesting article on Shadow Inventory.

  • 12 Feb 2012 2:52 PM
    Message # 823399


    Shadow inventory is finally on the way!

    Below is an article from CNN about the ending negotiations of homes facing foreclosures.  Many of these filings have been put on hold.  Now that this decision has been made, many of these troubled homes will not be helped, which will increase the amount of already overwhelming shadow inventory.  The article also goes on to mention that this "freeze" that was placed on many foreclosures was the direct contributor of the significant decrease in foreclosure filings last year.  While some may agree,  it is my understanding that the main decrease in the amount of filings last year were more in part to the significant increase in short sales and remods....

    Mortgage deal means more foreclosures

    Experts say many foreclosures that were on hold during the deal negotiations will now proceed.
    Experts say many foreclosures that were on hold during the deal negotiations will now proceed.

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Even as the $26 billion mortgage settlement helps hundreds of thousands of troubled homeowners, it will bring a wave of new foreclosures.
    Many lenders held off on reposessing homes during the complex negotiations between 49 state attorneys general, and federal officials.
    That's left a backlog of troubled loans, many of which won't be helped by measures in the deal that will let homeowners refinance or reduce the amount of their mortgage.
    "The bottom line is that 2012 will see a lot of foreclosures that should have taken place in 2011 and didn't," said Rick Sharga, executive vice president for Carrington Holdings, a real estate finance firm.
    Daren Blomquist, vice president of RealtyTrac, online marketer of foreclosed properties, agrees that much of last year's 34% drop in foreclosure filings was likely due to the uncertainty involved in the negotiations. He estimates that new filings will climb from 1.9 million in 2011 to between 2.2 million and 2.5 million this year.
    "We think what we saw in 2011 was artificially low foreclosure numbers," he said. He added that banks took longer to file foreclosure notices last year, and longer to finish the foreclosure process.


    HUD press secretary Derrick Plummer said Thursday's mortgage settlement is designed to make foreclosure the last resort for banks negotiating with homeowners who are seriously delinquent on loans.
    Sharga and Blomquist agree said that the mortgage deal will help many homeowners stay in their homes who would have otherwise been forced out. Up to one million mortgage holders could see the amount of money they owe reduced.
    But the solutions offered by the settlement can only work for homeowners who can afford to make new, lower mortgage payments. Banks will have little choice to foreclose on those who have stopped paying due to prolonged unemployment or other severe economic distress.
    "The settlement really wasn't designed to prevent foreclosure on loans that aren't salvageable," said Sharga.
    Banks have been letting delinquent loans sit in limbo, but now that a settlement has been reached, banks will likely start contacting delinquent homeowners to see which loans can be salvaged. Sharga says that the banks will likely turn up a raft of new foreclosures.
    The five lenders who are parties to the deal -- Bank of America (BAC,Fortune 500), Citigroup (CFortune 500), JPMorgan Chase (JPM,Fortune 500), Wells Fargo (WFCFortune 500) and Ally Financial -- together account for about 60% of the mortgage market, Sharga said. And there are many other lenders who were also taking a wait-and-see approach while the big banks held talks, who might soon join the settlement as well.
    Sharga and Blomquist said that while the increase in foreclosures will cause plenty of pain in the short term, it's an important part of the recovery process for the housing market, especially the hardest-hit markets.
    "The uncertainty has been very bad for the market over the last year," said Blomquist.
    There are currently more than 3 million homeowners either seriously delinquent on mortgages or in foreclosure, and that looming inventory has been one of the biggest drags on home sales prices.
    "The market needs to clear out a lot of the distressed inventory before prices start to come back," Sharga said.
    Last modified: 12 Feb 2012 11:48 PM | Robin Carriger (Administrator)
  • 13 Feb 2012 6:19 AM
    Reply # 823852 on 823399
    Deleted user
    Great article Mike. Drives home some of the topics we have been talking about in the DFW REI Club Platinum Members' meeting for the last year or so.

    See you Saturday.


    Greg Wilson
    The REIMentor (http://www.reimentor.com)
  • 16 Feb 2012 8:46 AM
    Reply # 826906 on 823399
    Deleted user
    Yeah, Mike - here's an article published on CNBC Foreclosures on the Rise Again

    "Distressed property sales lower the value of homes around them, and that pushes more borrowers into a negative equity position, owing more on their mortgages than their homes are currently valued. Until banks work through the enormous backlog of foreclosures, which number in the millions, home prices will not hit a firm bottom, especially in the most troubled local real estate markets."

    Is now the time to buy or what? 
  • 16 Feb 2012 12:27 PM
    Reply # 827132 on 826906
    Deleted user
    Sean Evans wrote:Yeah, Mike - here's an article published on CNBC Foreclosures on the Rise Again

    "Distressed property sales lower the value of homes around them, and that pushes more borrowers into a negative equity position, owing more on their mortgages than their homes are currently valued. Until banks work through the enormous backlog of foreclosures, which number in the millions, home prices will not hit a firm bottom, especially in the most troubled local real estate markets."

    Is now the time to buy or what? 

    Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but I sure like my chances better than being in the stock market at this point.
  • 17 Feb 2012 12:30 AM
    Reply # 827660 on 823399
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)
    Interest rates are at their lowest point in U. S. History, values are depressed, and we live in one of the most stable Real Estate markets in the country.  If you are able to buy and HOLD (notice I emphasized "HOLD"), now is a great time to do it!  This is the best buyer's market I've seen since I've been in the business.
  • 17 Feb 2012 6:46 AM
    Reply # 827817 on 823399
    Deleted user
    We are still having success with various stratigies.  We buy for rehab and sell too. We hold for rental. The real key as always, is buying for the right price. I see many new investors pay too much. We will be picking up those properties in a year or two. Just be patient. As it happens in most investing, the time to buy is when most others are not interested. 
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