Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Relax! OpenDoor is NOT the EOTWAWKI

  • 26 Mar 2016 2:17 PM
    Message # 3906809
    Deleted user

    In the last few months I have had several students, ex-students, investors, Realtors and friends ask me some version of "What's the deal with OpenDoor?" Here's my take, but you go do your own research. They are coming into our market in a BIG way, so love'em or hate'em, if you are going to do Real Estate in the Metroplex you better understand'em.

    OpenDoor is HomeVestors, with better funding, better AVMs and thinner margins. 

    While OpenDoor will not replace wholesalers, they will make tight markets even tighter - especially in non-disclosure states where accurate comp data is difficult and expensive to obtain - and skinner margins even thinner. 

    For a while. Then they will run out of money and fizzle.

    A similar effect occurred when Zillow entered the market. Everyone got excited, Zillow was going "disrupt Real Estate," and "change the paradigm," and all the other marketing BS the techno-weenies in Silicon Valley spew about Real Estate (and every other cause celeb bandwagon they jump on trying to make a buck by automating everything - anyone remember web-based grocery deliveries?) BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE A CLUE ABOUT HOW REAL ESTATE WORKS IN THE REAL WORLD. 

    What lasting effect has Zillow had on the market? Not much, other than to provide one more hurtle investors and Realtors have to overcome when instructing sellers on the true value of their home. "No ma'am, your home is NOT worth 110% of ARV simply because it is yours and it smells like your wet dog."

    OpenDoor is already facing huge Realtor backlash (one recently told me "No one in our office will show an OpenDoor listing.") both online and off. That will only grow. And home-sellers desperate to sell will initially light up OD's switchboards - and then blast them on Yelp when they get offers blindly emailed to them that are at the high end of the wholesale spectrum, but without the kiss (building rapport) first to make it palatable.

    So go to your local REIAs, talk your wholesalers friends down off the ledge, educate your fellow Realtors and investors, lean your shoulders into this small rain shower, and remind yourself that the "disruptive storm clouds gathering in the distance" are little more than 15 minutes of fame rain shower that will quickly pass over us and then allow us to get back to work.

    If there is anything else I can to help you grow your business, please let me know.

    Very Best,


    Greg Wilson

    The REI Mentor

  • 27 Mar 2016 11:36 AM
    Reply # 3907766 on 3906809
    Deleted user

    Don't know if they will do this in DFW area, but on the website they say what is below my comments for their AZ listings. I am sure they have Realtors that work for their company, so Realtor push back will not be very effective. Also I don't know any Realtors that will tell a client they won't show a home listed on the market. MTC.

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