Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Hard Lender

  • 08 Feb 2015 8:22 AM
    Message # 3220462

    Good Morning,

    Am looking for a hard lender with great rates and terms.  Working on a deal and need a loan for 68K the property has a arv of 135K.


    Ana Vasquez


  • 08 Feb 2015 7:05 PM
    Reply # 3220766 on 3220462
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)

    Hi Ana,

    You should give Terry Weakley a call.  He's the best hard-money lender around.  His number is 817-831-4665.  Please let him know I referred you.



  • 09 Feb 2015 11:34 AM
    Reply # 3221534 on 3220462

    Texas Republic Bank in Richardson has some very good investor rates on their bridge loan programs. They will loan 80% of ARV an 80% of Rehab.

    Speak to Stephanie Wallace, (972) 685-2047


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