Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Wrap around Mortgages

  • 09 Jan 2015 4:11 PM
    Message # 3187035

    I have been reading up on wrap around mortgages. Can someone who does "wraps" share with me, the practicality of doing a wraparound mortgage? Thank you! 

  • 09 Jan 2015 5:36 PM
    Reply # 3187067 on 3187035
    Deleted user

    Depends if your a buyer or seller.

    I recently sold a property that I purchased for cash, got cashed out with a private lender who prefers I wrap his notes and sold to a new buyer. 

    Pros for me is I received all my cash back out of the transaction plus $12K down and will cashflow $130/month.  I do not have to worry about maintaining property as a rental but still receive income stream.

    Cons are if they do not pay I actually have to foreclose which will cost money and take some time.


    Last modified: 09 Jan 2015 5:37 PM | Deleted user
  • 09 Jan 2015 9:20 PM
    Reply # 3187158 on 3187035
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)

    Another con in the scenario Rocky described is the possibility of bankruptcy being filed by the owner-financed buyer to whom the deed of trust and promissory note are wrapped.  Even with the legal improvements in bankruptcy laws over the last few years, it's still not good if you're the guy on the other end of a wrapped deal.

    A big plus in many cases is that, if your buyer has a decent down payment, you can get into a deal with no money out of your pocket.  In fact, you might even be able to put some money in the bank up front.  I've done it, and it's pretty sweet!

    Good question, Don!


    Ps.  When Bill Bronchick joins us next Thursday (01/15/15) and Saturday (01/17/15), wraparound transactions are scheduled to be covered along with other ways to structure Creative Financing.

  • 10 Jan 2015 11:27 AM
    Reply # 3187772 on 3187035

    Rocky and Robin, thank you for responding, your information is very helpful.


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