Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Hard Money Lender

  • 15 Dec 2014 2:04 PM
    Message # 3170676
    Deleted user

    I need a good recommendation for a hard money lender.  

    Who do you like to use?


  • 16 Dec 2014 6:15 AM
    Reply # 3170994 on 3170676

    Terry Weekly who is a member and sponsor of the group and is definately someone you can trust. 

  • 16 Dec 2014 4:09 PM
    Reply # 3171338 on 3170676
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)

    John, Terry Weakley, with Emerald Dolphin Enterprises, has been in the business for 32+ years now.  He's the best.  Please give him a call and let him know you heard about him here.  You can click Here for Terry's contact info, etc.



    Last modified: 16 Dec 2014 4:10 PM | Robin Carriger (Administrator)
  • 17 Dec 2014 7:11 AM
    Reply # 3171638 on 3170676
    Deleted user

    Agreed 100%.  Terry Weakley goes above and beyond.  If you're new to rehabs or HML loans, he will offer advice and insights based on his extensive experience to help you be as successful as possible.  Terry isn't looking to make a quick buck--he's looking to promote win-win situations to fuel mutual long-term success.  He's the best kind of HML lender you can partner with.

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