Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

My House Deals?

  • 25 Nov 2014 11:49 AM
    Message # 3157874
    Deleted user
    Is there a SEARCH function on here?  If so please enlighten me..

    Looking to hear the good, bad and ugly about this service.  

    My House Deals  dot com. Would someone share their experiences?  

    Thank you!


  • 25 Nov 2014 11:54 PM
    Reply # 3158309 on 3157874
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)

    I've not used that site, because it appears to be a competitive wholesaling site.  In competitive wholesaling situations, all too often someone is willing to pay more than me, so I don't get very excited about those "opportunities."  Instead, I prefer to find motivated sellers via networking and my own marketing efforts.  It's a little more work, but I believe I ultimately find more deals, make bigger profits, and help more people that way.

  • 26 Nov 2014 8:28 AM
    Reply # 3158435 on 3157874
    Deleted user

    I had a subscription for a little while.  I found that by the time the houses were posted to the site, it had already been sent to their personal buying list a few days prior.  I used the site more for networking, contacting the wholesalers and getting on their list for future deals.  Canceling my subscription was an easy process.

  • 27 Nov 2014 9:14 AM
    Reply # 3159015 on 3157874
    Deleted user
    I used them for a few years a long time ago. Actually got one of my best deals from it, but it was more of a happy accident that I came across that took some digging. In the list of motivated sellers, there is/was a link to click for more information. The seller had inside the more information link what he was willing to come down to on his price. I guess nobody else bothered to click on the more information link because I had it under contract a few days later. I quit using them when it became more of a wholesaler site and very few motivated sellers posted properties on it. Some sellers I sent with from it had confused it for Home Vestors, so that's why they were on it.
  • 28 Nov 2014 10:54 PM
    Reply # 3159572 on 3157874
    Deleted user

    Thank you all for sharing.  Think I will discontinue my Free subscription! 

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