Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

I would like to be a shadow

  • 21 Nov 2014 9:12 AM
    Message # 3155576

    I bet no one here has ever had someone ask them to follow them around and be their shadow haven't you??? Of course you have, many new investors ask this a lot while out at REI meetings and it gets obnoxious hearing people asking to follow you all around just to learn what you know.

    But here is what you don't hear is what they want to do for you. I want to see where you might be needing some assistance within your business and fill that gap. While working for you this would also give me the opportunity to learn the business a lot better then what a book or seminar can teach. If you are open to this and want to sit down and let me buy you a cup of coffee to talk about it a little more then let me know and we can see how we might be able to help each other.


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