Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Urgent! Looking for CPA

  • 11 Oct 2014 3:11 PM
    Message # 3121630

    Our current CPA just completed our taxes and I am not confident in his work. I need an experienced real estate CPA to review and potentially rework and we need to do it quickly. Any referrals would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • 12 Oct 2014 10:51 AM
    Reply # 3121894 on 3121630

     Don McCartney 817-563-7717.

    Don is a CPA and a real estate investor.

  • 12 Oct 2014 11:35 AM
    Reply # 3121910 on 3121630
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)

    As I'm sure you can imagine, at this late date every good accountant is typically swamped.  Having said that, I'm happy to recommend the very good accountant I've used for years.  Her name is Nancy Smith.  Her email address is taxsmart2005@yahoo.com.



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