Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Cap rate in 76107

  • 27 Sep 2014 9:30 PM
    Message # 3110809

    Can anyone advise me on the current cap rate in 76107, proptery is a 6-plex, if that matters.

  • 29 Sep 2014 8:14 AM
    Reply # 3111453 on 3110809

    I think it depends on who you're trying to sell to and the specs of the property, i.e. 1980 construction would have a lower cap rate than 1950.

    You'll probably get a fair amount of interest at a 10 or 12 cap.  It's better to sell quick at a fair price than hold out for top dollar.

  • 08 Feb 2015 3:00 PM
    Reply # 3220646 on 3110809
    Deleted user

    76107 north of I-30 would be lower than south of I-30.. I don't know of any 6plex props North of I-30, so I'm assuming you're south.  I'd take a look in the 12% range.

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