Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Any investors here interested in low/no equity/over leveraged deals, subject to, wraps, take over payments, etc.?

  • 22 Sep 2014 4:15 PM
    Message # 3105998




  • 22 Sep 2014 6:11 PM
    Reply # 3106055 on 3105998
    Deleted user

    Definitely!  I have several under my belt and looking for more.  As long as the cash flow is there I will typically do the deal.  Just recently acquired one in Arlington and payments were behind $8K.  Send potential deals to IBuyHousesin7Daysatgmail.com 

    FYI - I hold these in my rental portfolio 

  • 23 Sep 2014 7:26 AM
    Reply # 3106358 on 3105998

    Yes sir.  These are what I have specialized in for the past 14 years all over DFW.

    Let's Do Business!

    Tim Cook



  • 23 Sep 2014 11:51 AM
    Reply # 3106516 on 3105998
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)

    Yes, please contact me with any/all of those deals.  I can be reached at 817-300-1132 or Robin@DFWREIClub.com.


  • 30 Sep 2014 12:13 PM
    Reply # 3112372 on 3105998
    Deleted user

    Yes, please add me to your list.  I am interested in sub2's.  How are you distinguishing between sub2 and taking over payments?



  • 03 Oct 2014 12:22 PM
    Reply # 3115215 on 3105998

    Yes ! Please send deals to harvardcoasst.com

    Thanks ! 

  • 04 Nov 2014 11:24 AM
    Reply # 3140345 on 3105998


    No difference.  I send those leads to other investors.

    Last modified: 04 Nov 2014 11:25 AM | Dave Self
  • 04 Nov 2014 7:56 PM
    Reply # 3140725 on 3105998

    Please add me to your list  tricountyhomebuyers@gmail.com

  • 12 Nov 2014 3:40 PM
    Reply # 3148546 on 3105998

    Very interested,

    My name is Bill Arbuckle, ph. 817-714-4747, strathclyde@att.net  

  • 13 Nov 2014 8:24 AM
    Reply # 3149099 on 3105998
    Richard Kellett (Administrator)

    Thanks Bill. Please let me know when you have these deals. I am interested.

    Dick Kellett


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