Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

terms on private money

  • 16 Sep 2014 3:51 PM
    Message # 3100965

    What terms would one offer to a private lender that would be fair to both parties?  I'm considering offering terms similar to a t bond, making interest only payments for a number of years, and then refinancing the property, paying the investor back their original investment.  Their original investment, along with their credit history, would be used to obtain the original loan to purchase the property.  Does this sound like a mutually beneficial way to structure the "partnership?"

  • 17 Sep 2014 8:39 AM
    Reply # 3101442 on 3100965
    Deleted user


    You can structure Private Money deals any way both sides agree to. That said, I think you'll be hard pressed to find someone to accept your terms. I suggest you look at a shorter time horizon in your initial dealings with investors. Then once they know you expand your borrowing length.


    The Real Estate Investment Mentor


  • 17 Sep 2014 9:42 AM
    Reply # 3101468 on 3100965

    Greg, how long are you talking?  Like maybe a 5 year balloon or something similar?  Or do you recommend a completely different structure?

  • 18 Sep 2014 10:21 AM
    Reply # 3102274 on 3100965
    Deleted user

    Very few private lenders are interested in loaning their money out for more than 6-12 months. I suggest you gather your funds (wholesaling, rehabbing using short-term money, etc.), then look for partners (meaning you have skin in the game too) on ever longer terms. 

    Another tactic is to obtain longer term loans from institutions. A very common loan is from a bank. Say 75% LTV on a 15-20 year amortization schedule with a 3-5 year "look-back" - meaning in 3-5 years they can either call the note due or change terms (presumably increase your interest rate).

    Private Money is a highly misunderstood part of our business and too complex to do well from reading a book or buying some cheap "program" or "home study course" off the Web. Contact me and I'll chafe some of the direction I've mentored my students with over the last few years that's resulted in them solving their REI funding needs.

    Best Regards,


    The REI Mentor


  • 08 Feb 2015 3:04 PM
    Reply # 3220648 on 3100965
    Deleted user

    I'm a private investor and will loan for much longer than 12 months depending on the terms.  What kind of rate and LTV are you offering?

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