Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Need to create a "wrap note" and a wrap deed of trust

  • 10 Jul 2014 1:28 AM
    Message # 3042610
    Deleted user

    Can someone help me with a form or outline for doing a wrap note and wrap deed of trust?  i used to sell "subject to" but now I am hoping to use these forms to have more protection.  Thank you for your help.  Nell

  • 11 Jul 2014 7:34 AM
    Reply # 3043522 on 3042610
    Nell, it's not that simple.  there is alot more to it than a note and deed of trust.  My recommendation would be to google "Dodd Frank" as a starting point.  I'd be happy to discuss if you want to call me one afternoon.

    Tim Cook


  • 12 Jul 2014 8:41 AM
    Reply # 3044190 on 3042610
    One of the secrets to Do It Yourself is to know when you should not DIY. This seems to be a time not to DIY. If you close with a title company with title insurance the "due on sale" clause is neutralized and their attorney will draw up the Deed of Trust and Real Estate Lien Note. Yes it is more expensive but worth the risk reduction. Stewart Title on Hulen in Fort Worth used to work with Sub2 and wraps last I knew. Tim is correct that Dodd Frank is complicated and we should rely on specialized pros to handle the docs. Best regards, Dan
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