Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Need Broker for REI Tool

  • 23 Feb 2014 6:29 AM
    Message # 1504008
    Deleted user

    I am an Information Technology person by day and a real estate investor and licensed Texas salesperson by night.


    I have been working on a project to create a tool for real estate investors to allow them to search and sort MLS properties by things like GIM, GRM, Price per Sq Ft, capitalization rate, etc... and the project is far enough along that I need to start looking for a broker to partner with. 


    What I am searching for is one or more of the following:

    1)  A Broker who can assist me with getting a RETS feed from NTREIS - REQUIRED

    2)  A Broker I could potentially hang my license under

    3)  A Broker who specializes in REI and would be open to getting referrals from my new tool

    4)  A REI focused broker who would like to help me continue develop the tool.


    Are there any brokers on this forum who might potentially interested,  or if anyone works with a broker you think might be interested I would like to get an introduction.


    Appreciate the time,


    Last modified: 24 Feb 2014 7:08 AM | Robin Carriger (Administrator)
  • 24 Feb 2014 9:08 AM
    Reply # 1504636 on 1504008
    Deleted user

    I meet all the items on your list and would be interested in helping you. Feel free to reach out to me at the number below.


    Kyle McCaw
  • 28 Feb 2014 3:01 PM
    Reply # 1508131 on 1504008
    Deleted user
    I am an independent broker and would be interested in meeting to discuss sponsorship.  I have a RETS feed and I am looking to add partners/agents.

    Mike Reeder, Broker
    817-543-8999 mobile
    Last modified: 01 Mar 2014 6:18 AM | Robin Carriger (Administrator)
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