Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

I have 15 paid for SFR houses. Financial Institutions won't lend. I have good credit. Need financing to fix up Bedford Property and Sell

  • 11 Nov 2013 10:00 AM
    Message # 1432351
    Deleted user
    We are newly retired.  No debt on any property.  We want to update a property in Bedford, TX and Sell.  Looking for Private Equity.
  • 12 Nov 2013 6:41 AM
    Reply # 1433300 on 1432351
    Deleted user

    Contact me and let's see if we cannot find you the money you need. There are many lending institutions out there.


    Greg Wilson
    The REI Mentor
  • 12 Nov 2013 7:34 AM
    Reply # 1433344 on 1432351
    Deleted user
    I am a private money lender. Bedford is a good area. Call or email me to discuss how we might make this work for you. 817-798-7444. Rjsu.properties@gmail.com. 
  • 12 Nov 2013 7:41 AM
    Reply # 1433348 on 1432351
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)

    Wayne, Please feel free to give me a call to discuss this.  My number is 817-300-1132.  Thanks

    Robin Carriger
  • 13 Nov 2013 9:24 PM
    Reply # 1437986 on 1432351
    Interesting. Bruce Nelson - wbn@engineer.com
  • 14 Nov 2013 2:19 PM
    Reply # 1438527 on 1432351

    I am looking for 3-2-2 for rehab. Bedford is a good area. Let me know address and rehab needed as well as asking price?


  • 07 Dec 2013 1:31 PM
    Reply # 1453649 on 1432351
    Deleted user

    I am interested to lend the money.. Please give me a call and we can discuss. 402-598-9363



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