Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Cars in the back yard.

  • 30 Oct 2013 9:05 AM
    Message # 1424544
    Looking at a house right now.  House is vacant, AND owned by an out of town family member.  The family member is going to deed the property to the lady I've been talking to, and we'll move forward.  But, there are several cars along with alot of personal property that I have been informed will not be removed before or after closing.  

    The "simple" personal property like furniture I'm sure is easy to handle.  But the cars are worrying me.  Because there is actual paperwork saying who owns them, I can't just sell the vehicles can I?  And I can't just put in the contract "cars now belong to me" because the person signing the contract is not the registered owner, therefore can not sell or give away the vehicles.

    How should I proceed?

  • 31 Oct 2013 7:35 AM
    Reply # 1425276 on 1424544
    Deleted user
    I STRONGLY suggest you get those cars off the property BEFORE closing. Worst-case, drag them onto the street and call the city/county. While you cannot sell them, they can dispose of them if they are abandoned.


    Greg Wilson
    The REI Mentor
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