Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club


  • 09 Sep 2013 1:23 PM
    Message # 1385027
    Deleted user
    I'm running a contest with COOL PRIZES! 

    Please send me your recommendations for:

    1) Best push-only group text / sms app, and 

    2) Best CRM-like tool to automate the production and tracking of PRINTED (NOT email) letter campaigns.

    If the winning entry(s) are chosen from this board I'll notify the winner and they can tell m where to send their prize(s).



    Greg Wilson
    The REI Mentor
  • 11 Sep 2013 3:20 PM
    Reply # 1386813 on 1385027
    Deleted user
    Group Text?  WHATSAPP. Advantage: cross-platform.

    CRM: We went down the list off-group. I'm big on REIBlackbook, Freedom$oft4 (cloud) and ProfitGrabber for complete marketing. Interestingly enough, SalesForce.com claims to have a scaled down version of their monster suitable for your needs. Their rep is sending more information shortly. 
  • 12 Sep 2013 6:44 AM
    Reply # 1387446 on 1385027


    RealeFlow Investor can do all you are looking for.  It's built-in SMS messaging called Moby allows both test and Voice messaging to all members on your list with history tracking.  Additionally they have a built-in direct mail marketing tool including a fully customizable library of marketing materials that match up with your squeeze page and the target market you are focusing on such as pre-foreclosures, probate, ugly houses etc..

    Google Voice allows group sms messages on a small scale.

    Joopz.com - Allows FREE Texting from a computer to any cell phone- Cool!


    Can't wait to see my COOL gifts I win.......:)



  • 12 Sep 2013 7:07 AM
    Reply # 1387454 on 1385027
    Deleted user
    Thank you for the leads. I'll check them all out. 

    For everyone else, the contest closes Saturday at midnight. So far, Barry and Tim each have a 50/50 shot at winning. Anyone else have any ideas?



    Greg Wilson
    The REI Mentor
  • 13 Sep 2013 8:10 AM
    Reply # 1388395 on 1385027
    Deleted user


    With the little that I've learned about your business, I would say that you need a CRM database with data tables such as:

    1. Contacts
    2. Property Owners (Linked to Properties)
    3. Properties (Linked to owners)
    4. Possibly a table to track photos
    5. Different letters
    6. A history log to track conversations, letters, tasks, etc. (Linked to property owners and properties).
    7. Other tables might include calendar events, monetary transaction, etc.

    Merge procedures to generate letters, emails, etc.

    Possibly some web scraping tools.

     Method for your researchers to put in the property and owner data.

    Hope this helps.  Its a bit hard to find good out of the box solutions for different businesses.  I'll try to look into solutions more after work tonight.

    Last modified: 13 Sep 2013 8:11 AM | Deleted user
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