Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Who owns this property?

  • 30 Jun 2013 9:00 AM
    Message # 1330118
    Deleted user
    I have a lead on a property. Went to TAD to find the owner in effort to begin communications.
    TAD list the owner as "Current Owner". Went to Tarrant County Tax website to find out who pays the taxes... the property address is not listed.

    Anyone ever run into this? Any ideas on how to "break the code"?

  • 01 Jul 2013 7:10 AM
    Reply # 1330524 on 1330118
    Deleted user
    Talk to the neighbors or mail letter to the address. The neighbors may have contact information and the mail might be forwarded to the owners.
  • 02 Jul 2013 7:59 AM
    Reply # 1331425 on 1330118

    If all else fails, place a For Sale By Owner Sign in the front yard.  If the owner is in the area or any neighbors know the owner, they will probably call them.  When the phone rings you can build your buyers list and if the owner does call you, your response can be some to the effect of, I'm sorry, did my staff place my sign in the wrong yard?  Do you have a house for sale or is this home for sale?

    The worse that can happen is you build your buyers list

    Good luck


    Last modified: 03 Jul 2013 6:02 AM | Robin Carriger (Administrator)
  • 02 Jul 2013 3:54 PM
    Reply # 1331858 on 1330118
    Deleted user
    Thanks guys!
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