Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

What marketing are you doing to find deals?

  • 19 Jun 2013 7:02 AM
    Message # 1321760
    Deleted user
    According to the latest RealtyTrac reports, Texas foreclosures are down 52.2% for the last month. This figure helps partially explain why many real estate professionals are finding it more difficult to find "deals." 

    I suggest that now is a good time for all of us to increase / start / re-start our marketing efforts to find deals. Marketing usually takes days / weeks / months to return dividends. If the current market trends continue, those real estate professionals not aggressively marketing for new deals may find out too late that there are no more good, easy deals to be found.

    What marketing are you doing to find deals in the current market and what are your results (good and bad)?

    Let us know.


    Greg Wilson
    The REI Mentor
  • 02 Aug 2013 12:23 AM
    Reply # 1356743 on 1321760
    Hey Greg,
      Thought I'd give this thread a bump.  I'm trying to find some ways to market. I'll be sending some mailers and possibly having bandit signs put out. (Please see: http://dfwreiclub.com/Default.aspx?pageId=264605&mode=MessageList&eid=1356591 ) Other than that and networking with others, what can be done? I've had some success driving for dollars. Soon as my website launches, there's a ton of online marketing available. Umm,,, developing a property locator (birddog) team? Drop card campaign? Trying to brainstorm but it's late and my brain seems to be through for the day.
    What other ideas does anyone have?
    Last modified: 02 Aug 2013 12:24 AM | Dwayne Modisette
  • 02 Aug 2013 1:47 PM
    Reply # 1357109 on 1321760
    Deleted user

    The methods to find deals are only limited by your imagination, time and budget.

    All the methods you mentioned will work. I actually wrote a book last fall outlining 52 different killer marketing strategies to find great real estate deals. Topics covered there range from free and easy to hard and expensive (and HIGHLY effective). 

    But to answer your question, most of the folks I know who are doing significant volume use a combined approach to marketing. After visiting with several of the HomeVestors franchisees from around the country, the bulk of their leads come from broadcast marketing (radio, TV, movies, Internet, billboards - in that order). Locally, MAAAAANY investors are using print (Robin sent me a birddog lead an hour ago from one of his ads), bandit signs (fast, cheap, sort of effective -- and HIGHLY illegal), as well as car signs, all saying something like "I Buy Houses," - just to name a few.

    Personally, most of my deals come from direct mail. There are TOOOOONS of online "scraping services" that sell marginally effective lists CHEAP. I don't recommend those to my students. While the list itself is cheap to acquire, the printing is expensive and you'll have to do a lot more of it than if you'd bought a good list to begin with ("quantity vs. quality"). 

    There are much better "intelligent lists" available at very reasonable costs. The best intelligently computer generated list I know of is Robin Carriger's list. His prices are close to the scrapers', but he personally slices and dices the data on a per-customer basis, applying his decade+ wholesaling expertise to the databases results. In addition, I think Robin also gives first time list buyers a copy of his postcard template.

    What I do for my marketing is take the process one step farther and use human-generated leads lists. Computers are FAST!, but they cannot beat a human's decision making ability when doing research. The best service I know of for this is Searchable Sellers. This is service I created for myself and now I make available to some of my DFWREICLUB friends (just like Robin did with his "motivated sellers' list"). 

    I got tired of wasting big bucks on "shotgun" lists, so I started paying people to track down AND THEN VERIFY the information on my motivated seller lists. Where a scraper's list might have 20,000 leads, Robin's probably has no more than 5,000 to 10,000 leads that are more qualified. The lists I use typically have less than 500 leads per list, but they are HIGHLY qualified and contain data machine generated lists cannot provide. This allows me to custom-tailor my marketing and create multiple-contact-per-homeowner-campaigns, instead of single or double mailings. 

    While my per-lead marketing costs are high compared to other investors I know (how much does it cost to get my post card in front of someone for 3-10 seconds), my per-purchase costs (how much does it cost me in marketing for each house I buy, flip, etc.) are some of the lowest I've ever heard of.

    Depending on what county you are in and what your budget is, you can buy / create your own lists quickly, easily and fairly inexpensively. Once you have those, then it's just a matter of getting your marketing in the mail. You can literally buy a list today and have your phone ringing tomorrow or the next day.

    If you need specific help with any of this, let me know. Am happy to share.


    Greg Wilson
    The REI Mentor

    Last modified: 20 Sep 2013 12:11 PM | Deleted user
  • 02 Aug 2013 8:33 PM
    Reply # 1357319 on 1321760
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)

    Dwayne, If you still have questions after following the link to my Motivated Seller Search (MSS) page, please feel free to give me a call.  I'll be happy to go over the program and its various options with you.  My number is 817-300-1132.



  • 03 Aug 2013 12:57 AM
    Reply # 1357423 on 1321760
      I just looked at both links. Thank you, Greg, for posting them. Does Searchable Sellers have anything other than probate leads? Maybe I missed it. I am in the market for a list to do mailings. The Motivated Seller Search looks good. I am very interested in talking to those on the forum who have used it. Curious as to what results they had. Anyone out there use it?
  • 03 Aug 2013 7:32 AM
    Reply # 1357514 on 1321760
    Deleted user
    my husband and me had used a foreclosure listing service for leads. we did not gett any calls. now he buys probate leads from searchable sellers and puts the appraisal district into excel and we do our own leads. we mailed all the lists from july at sarchable sellrs. we have one house that we are supposed to buy at the end of august. we mailed about 400 times last week from excel and i talked to 3 people. they all wanted too much money.
  • 07 Aug 2013 5:15 PM
    Reply # 1360888 on 1321760
    Thank you, Donna, for the feedback. Anyone else?
  • 08 Aug 2013 10:25 AM
    Reply # 1361245 on 1321760
    We used the access database TAD has available. It was not worth the cost or the hassle. Then we switched over to Searchable Sellers when they ran their beta-tester program. It is the best marketing move we've made in a long time. So far their lists and techniques are the most effective marketing tool we have ever tried when tracked on a cost-per-call basis.

    We also have had good luck with ads in the Star-Telegram. But the paper's calls we get are very expensive (on a $/cb). And the people seem to be calling every investor they can find, trying to start a bidding war I guess.
  • 09 Aug 2013 8:52 AM
    Reply # 1361866 on 1321760
    Deleted user
    Hi Dwayne,

    Yes, Searchable Sellers offers other services/products besides PROBATE LEADS LISTS for Tarrant County. 

    We are currently training staff to prepare probate leads lists for Tarrant (done), Dallas, Collin, Johnson, Denton, Wise, & Johnson Counties (these should come online in the next 15 days).

    Additionally, we are beginning to offer EXPIRED LISTINGS leads lists (will begin being posted on Monday), as well as NON-RESIDENT OWNER leads lists (will begin being posted on the 15th).

    We have been contacted by other investors looking for speciality lists and are in the process of researching the viability of producing those as well. 

    A few investors have asked us to take over some of their "heavy lifting" (e.g. actually doing their marketing for them) as well as providing them with custom lists. We are ramping up to offer those services as well.

    If there is a special service or product (list) you would like to see offered, please contact me and let's discuss it. If it proves to be economically viable we will partner with you on it (meaning you can make some money by helping us grow our business).

    Looking forward to hearing your ideas!


    Greg Wilson
    The REI Mentor
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