Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Mortgage company that will allow more than 10 properties

  • 10 Jun 2013 2:01 PM
    Message # 1313864
    Deleted user
    Do you guys know of a portfolio lender that can refinance investment properties if you have more than 10 loans? I know most direct lenders won't do more than 4, but FNMA and FHLMC won't allow more than 10 unless the lender keeps in in their portfolio. Need some advice, thanks!
  • 10 Jun 2013 10:55 PM
    Reply # 1314271 on 1313864
    Deleted user

    Cary with Capital Concepts is my go to guy for investment mortgages. He is currently working on a 34 property portfolio loan for one of my clients.


    Cary Donham

    NMLO# 343248

    Capital Concepts Inc.

    Work: (972) 573-9201

    Fax: (800) 953-4024

    DFW Office: 106 Decker Ct. Suite 340 Irving TX 75062


  • 10 Jun 2013 11:35 PM
    Reply # 1314289 on 1313864
    Deleted user
    Have you used him before in the past? What are your experiences with him?
  • 11 Jun 2013 1:05 AM
    Reply # 1314321 on 1313864
    Deleted user

    I am a real estate broker that deals mostly in investment properties. He is the only person that I referal my clients that need hard money or portfolio loans to. He is very good at what he does and he is honest. I have know and used him for ~5yrs now.

    Kyle McCaw - broker/owner

    McCaw Properties

  • 12 Jun 2013 1:02 AM
    Reply # 1315213 on 1313864
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)

    I have yet to find a lender who will do a single loan that bundles multiple properties with terms that are acceptable to me.  The number of years is typically far fewer than I willing to accept, and the interest rate is usually way higher than I want.  So... if anybody finds something reasonable, please share it here.  Kyle, I know you can't personally guarantee anything and that things are constantly changing, but can you give us any more specifics on what might be possible?

  • 12 Jun 2013 3:48 PM
    Reply # 1315841 on 1313864
    Deleted user
    Anyone have experiences with banks that offer lines of credit? 
  • 12 Jun 2013 4:08 PM
    Reply # 1315859 on 1313864
    Deleted user


    I don't want to quote anything online, as things change every day. But I can tell you he is a top knotch mortgage broker. I just had lunch with him today and his portfolio terms seem very fair. Like I mentioned earlier my client is taking down 33 individual units at one time. He also has a big homevestor guy with 90+ units in portfolio loans. He is worth the call.


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