Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Transaction Coordinator

  • 25 May 2013 8:03 PM
    Message # 1301480
    Deleted user
    Would it be considered a legitimate practice for a wholesaler to be paid at closing being referred as "Transaction Coordinator" in the special provisions portion of a standard TREC contract? Has anyone seen this been done and what are the pros/cons? I appreciate your feedback.
  • 26 May 2013 5:06 PM
    Reply # 1301840 on 1301480
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)
    I'm not an attorney, and I'm not offering legal advice here.  However, I have done LOTS of wholesale deals.  It's my opinion that there's no reason for the wholesaler to be referred to at all in the special provisions section of the contract.  The wholesaler is the buyer in the contract, and, depending on the manner in which the wholesale deal is closed, he/she will relinquish his/her position as the buyer to the ultimate buyer for a win-win transaction.
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