Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

New to the game

  • 24 Feb 2013 8:40 PM
    Message # 1225508

    I am interested in purchasing my first investment property.  I am not a handyman whatsoever.  I plan on getting a property manager.  I have about $40,000 in cash to get started.  My questions are:  What price range house should I be looking for?  Also, how much money down would you recommend putting on your first house (I am willing to leverage if I feel like it is a good deal)?  I am not sure if I am even asking the write questions.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks and have a great day.

  • 26 Feb 2013 10:40 AM
    Reply # 1226816 on 1225508
    Deleted user
    Hello Jeff,

    We offer Property Management services and renovations, if you're interested. Also, shoot me an email and I may be able to help you answer your questions.


    -Candace Van Wade, Owner
    BVW Enterprises, LLC
  • 26 Feb 2013 4:02 PM
    Reply # 1228278 on 1225508
    Jeff, it sounds like you need a good mentor to guide you. A good mentor can help you develop your business faster, cheaper, and safer than going it alone. The sponsors of this club, Robin Carriger and Greg Wilson, would be a good choice.
  • 26 Feb 2013 10:39 PM
    Reply # 1228537 on 1225508

    Candace and Dan,

    Thanks for the replies.  It sounds like a mentor is the first thing to start with.  Candace, I will keep you in mind when I get started (hopefully sooner than later).

  • 27 Feb 2013 8:06 AM
    Reply # 1228737 on 1225508
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)
    Please feel free to give me a call at 817-300-1132.  Thanks, Robin
  • 28 Feb 2013 4:02 PM
    Reply # 1230182 on 1225508
    Deleted user

    Give me a call.

    Greg - 817.683- seventy 1 hundred.
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