Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

First time investor question

  • 05 Jan 2013 8:58 PM
    Message # 1172604
    My wife and I are looking to buy an investment property as our first home and would welcome so good info. Our situation is that I just started my landscaping company and don't have 2 years of W2S yet. My wife works for a foster and adoption agency and just graduated from TCU in may of 2012. She makes a little over 28,500 a year which is the income we would have to qualify off of. We have around 6,800 dollars between our savings and checking. We both have good credit in the high 600's low 700's. If anyone has good recommendations it would be greatly appreciated.
  • 09 Jan 2013 11:13 AM
    Reply # 1175356 on 1172604

    If your wife is working in a field related to her degree, you may still be able to use her income even if she does not have 2 years on the job. I doubt lenders will consider your income. Your wife has a monthly gross income of about 2333.00. So the most monthly debt obligations you can have would be a total of about 1050.00 per month to maintain a debt to income ratio of no more than 45 percent. with 6000 in cash, you have just enough to close FHA on a small house that needs no repairs and still have a little left over for appliances and misc new house stuff. To know how much you qualify for, as a rough estimate, subtract all your monthly debt obligations from your allowable expsenses (about 1050 as stated above) and what is left over is what the banks will consider you capable of paying (providing your credit is abouit 680 or above). So, if you have student loans and car payments combined at, for example, 450 am month, you would qualify for about 600-650 a month mortgage which would be about an 80-85K house. Really, you need to just contact a mortgage officer and ask them where you stand.

    Last modified: 09 Jan 2013 11:14 AM | Brian Hoyt
  • 12 Jan 2013 8:48 PM
    Reply # 1178467 on 1172604
    Thanks for the info and reply
  • 13 Jan 2013 8:54 AM
    Reply # 1178702 on 1172604
    Deleted user

    You might consider contacting Brian Morrison (214) 893-8953. He's one of the club's sponsors and is a RMLO who can help you obtain a loan.

    When talking to him, I suggest you ask about your landscaping business' income as well. Depending on your corporate structure, business practices (do you have contracts with your clients?), financials, etc. you might be able to use that income as well.

    Call me we can discuss other factors for you to explore/consider.


    Greg Wilson
    The REI Mentor
  • 13 Jan 2013 3:42 PM
    Reply # 1178882 on 1172604
    I will give him a call. I know most lenders want 2 years of W2s if you are self employed. Thanks for the info and If you know anyone that has any homes or land in Anna or Melissa let me know. Thanks again.
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