Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

New Member Greetings

  • 26 Nov 2012 4:23 PM
    Message # 1146376
    Deleted user
    Hey everyone, my name is Brad and I'm located in Tarrant County. I'm brand-spankin' new to REI, and I stumbled upon this site in researching information, so I wanted to introduce myself and thank you for all the great info I've discovered so far. 

    I've read some books, listened to some podcasts, even participated in renovating a flip when I was younger. Now, I'm about ready to dip a toe into the water all by myself...but am still discovering all the different angles. I'm fascinated at how many different ways there are to potentially make money in this industry. 

    So, does anyone still do rentals? Is there any money in that these days? Seems like that's a fairly straightforward first approach, but I'd love to get some local insight from some of you guys who are really doing this and know how it works. 

    And if there are any specific points buried here on the forum that I need to check out, please let me know. 

    Thanks for putting this forum up, as well as the club. I look forward to finding out enough info to put my first deal together.

  • 26 Nov 2012 11:47 PM
    Reply # 1146624 on 1146376
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)

    Welcome to DFW REI Club, Brad.  My wife and I own rental property, and we like it very much.  The rent market is very strong right now, and the cashflow is great.  Our NE Texas market is one of the most stable in the nation.  If you'd like to discuss it further, don't hesitate to give me a call at 817-300-1132.


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