Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Greg & Robin Need Your Advice

  • 11 Nov 2012 11:58 AM
    Message # 1134756
    Deleted user
    New club members routinely ask, “What classes do I need to take in order to get started investing?” 

    Robin and I have spent a lot of time and effort discussing this question. Now, we want to get your advice on what YOU think newby investors should focus their training time and budgets on, and in what order. 

    Please post your advice here. I’ll assemble our collective wisdom and create a DFWREIClub recommended course materials study guide for new investors in a .PDF. When it’s finished we can post it on the site for new investors.

    Thank you for your help!


    Greg Wilson
    The REI Mentor
  • 11 Nov 2012 8:51 PM
    Reply # 1135034 on 1134756
    Deleted user


    I would suggest the following formula for becoming a successful Real Estate Investor:

    (1) Join DFW REI as a Platinum Member
    (2) Make a commitment to attend the weekly DFW REI meeting every week.
    (3) If available during the first 60 days take Greg Wilson’s “Successful Real Estate Investing Workshop”. (If not available during the first 60 day take the next available workshop.)
    Take the “Wholesale Real Estate Home Study Course taught by Robin and Cindy Carriger
    Take the “TREC Contract Class” taught by Rick Irving
    (Both courses are available at the DFW REI Store)
    This would be all the classes a person would need in order to get their business off the ground and running.  This investment of your time would be well rewarded. With this formula you will have every tool you need to be a successful Real Estate Investor.
    In addition to taking the above classes during the first 60 days you must look at a minimum of 25 houses. Looking at houses is a fundamental of the business!

    Rick Irving
    Real Estate Broker /Auctioneer
    Real Estate Trainer
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