Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Telephone Solutions (voicemail, fax, etc.)

  • 18 Sep 2012 9:26 PM
    Message # 1076088

    For you full-time workers/real estate investors, what kind of telephone solutions/providers do you use (especially while you are working at your full-time gig)?  Thoughts and/or experiences would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks! jg

  • 19 Sep 2012 10:37 AM
    Reply # 1076586 on 1076088
    Deleted user
    Google Voice.   https://www.google.com/voice
  • 20 Sep 2012 5:29 AM
    Reply # 1077370 on 1076088
    Hi Jimmie,
    As Lisa mentioned Google voice is a great starting point because it's free and works well.  As your business grows you may want to expand into a live operator system such as Patlive.com or other similar service.  Patlive costs a bit more but they do a good job.  Another option as your business grows maybe something like Automated Marketing Systems that goes well beyond just a phone system.  Voiceshot.com is another service offering voice and text messaging so you have lots of choices.

    Have fun

    Last modified: 20 Sep 2012 11:01 PM | Robin Carriger (Administrator)
  • 20 Sep 2012 11:16 PM
    Reply # 1078396 on 1076088
    Deleted user
    I'm currently using Ringcentral.com for virtual faxing and voicemail on their toll-free# w/unlimited faxing & calling. They offer an additional 'professionally-recorded' customizable voicemail feature option, as well. :D 
    Last modified: 20 Sep 2012 11:22 PM | Deleted user
  • 21 Sep 2012 6:01 AM
    Reply # 1078737 on 1076088
    Deleted user
    There are a bewildering number of options to solve a small business owner's telephone / voice-mail issues. When doing your research (which you should BEFORE you start your marketing, as this field changes CONSTANTLY) search using "Unified Messaging" and "Virtual PBX" solutions and "Live Answer" or "Live Operator" meta tags. 

    Below is a copy of some of the better research that's been done on this subject. I give it to my students when they are ready to setup their corporate voicemail systems. There are several articles, so don't just read the first one and quit.

    Depending on your budget and marketing strategies you may seriously want to consider a service like Voice Connect or PatLive. That said, "live operator" services usually run about $1/min.

    ULTIMATELY, the best voice solution is YOU SHOULD ANSWER your inbound calls IN REAL TIME

    Full-time investors LOOOOOOVE receiving a call from someone who's just left 2 or 10 voice-mails at "SLICK RICK'S GALACTIC HOMEBUYING EMPIRE!! (announcer voice) Please leave a message. BEEEEEEP!". By the time they talk to me they are so motivated it's like shooting fish in ....

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.


    Greg Wilson
    The REI Mentor

    ++++++++++++++ START ++++++++++++++++

    Google Voice vs Grasshopper

    by Chad Lawie, August 26, 2011

    Unless you want to be tied to your desk all day, you need a way for important calls to reach you on your mobile. The now outdated solution was to forward calls to your cell on the way out of the office. But then you run into the hairy situations of not being able to easily distinguish between personal and business calls,

    forgetting to set the forward, only having one voicemail greeting, etc.

    It was only a matter of time before services were created to address this common situation. Two services stand out as major players in this field: Google Voice (get your beta invite here) and Grasshopper. Both help to elegantly handle the problem of juggling multiple phones numbers and needing to be two places at once.
Both allow you to add multiple existing phone lines to your account so that all phones ring when the number is called. Both allow you to access your voicemail online. Both give you voicemail transcripts. In many ways, they are quite comparable.

    For business owners, Google Voice offers the distinct advantage of being free but little else over Grasshopper which caters exclusively to that market (plans start at $9.95/month). For instance, Grasshopper allows for transferring to other extensions in the account and an auto-attendant and company directory. Key features if you are trying to communicate professionalism and not have callers feel like they are calling some guys cell phone (they may be, but they don’t need to know that). Grasshopper also allows you to transfer an existing number (Google Voice doesn’t currently but is rumored to be working on this).

    That Grasshopper is a superior solution for the typical business owner is almost a given when you look at the featureset and reasonable pricing. However, I use Google Voice and will probably continue to do so simply because I have already invested in a vPBX system that works well for our company. Were I to start over, I might give Grasshopper more serious consideration because it is considerably cheaper than our current solution and offers almost identical functionality but at this point I’d hate to fix what isn’t broken.

    Given that, Google Voice does everything that I need. When people call our 800 # and dial my extension, it rings my cell and my desk phone simultaneously. If I don’t pick up the call, it transfers the callers to one of two voicemail greetings. If it is a personal contact, it sends them to a personal greeting. If it is a business call or any caller that is not a known contact, they get my business greeting. If I’m at my desk, I can choose to pick up the call on my cell or my desk phone. No need to remember to forward, no need to dial in to my work line to listen to voicemails.
This is all I need. Problem solved. But, for clients who haven’t yet tied themselves to a PBX solution, I’ll be recommending Grasshopper which truly is a small business owner’s dream solution.

    RingCentral and Grasshopper

    Formerly GotVMail, Grasshopper comes as a new phone service that lets entrepreneurs and small businesses manage their calls, faxes and messages. It offers local and toll free numbers to its subscribers, as well as call features designed to provide convenience and functionality to the phone system.

    Features include call forwarding, unlimited extensions, mobile and online management, Internet fax, advanced voicemail and more. These are all included in each of the three pricing plans Grasshopper offers. Aiming to cater to all kinds of businesses with different budget ranges, Grasshopper plans start at $9.95 a month.

    RingCentral, on the other hand, has a more diverse set of pricing plans and products. Users may get a mobile business phone system or a more complete set with IP phones. Depending on the budget and the needs of a small business, pricing plans may include an unlimited number of extensions, or a certain number of virtual extensions to give to a smaller team.

    RingCentral unifies the existing phone lines and other communication devices of an office or business, including fax, voicemail and email. Its virtual PBX package includes toll free and local numbers, Internet fax, voicemail, unique call forwarding features and sophisticated call management.

    Businesses that need fax capabilities would get more from RingCentral. While you can receive faxes through your Grasshopper number, it has limited sending capabilities. RingCentral, on the other hand, has a comprehensive fax service which enables users to easily and intelligently handle fax documents in different ways such as the Internet and their mobile phones.

    The choice between Grasshopper and RingCentral will depend on the features that a business needs for its telecommunications system, as well as on the budget that it has. Grasshopper has affordable plans which are ideal for startups and home offices. RingCentral, on the other hand, has pricing plans which are complete in features and capabilities fit for an office with branches in different locations.

    Phonebooth Free: An Alternative to Google Voice for Small Businesses

    March 10, 2010 by Christina Warren

    In November, Phonebooth.com released the beta version of Phonebooth OnDemand, which is a full-featured phone service that lives in the cloud, but can communicate with both cellular phones and IP desk and conference phones. Today, that service undefined which costs $20 a month per user undefined is becoming generally available. Phonebooth.com is also leveraging its own private VoIP network to launch Phonebooth Free, a free version of its hosted phone system, which is very similar to Google Voice but aimed at small businesses.

Phonebooth.com is a product from Bandwidth.com. While Bandwidth.com might not be as well-known as players like Comcast, Verizon and Cisco, in the business VoIP space it’s a pretty big player. Bandwidth.com has its own VoIP network and because of that has more flexibility over pricing, which is one reason the company can launch products like Phonebooth Free.

    A problem that a lot of small businesses face undefined especially businesses that have employees located all over the country undefined is deciding on a phone system. On the one hand, the investment into a PBX system is often an expense that just can’t be justified in the beginning. On the other hand, having everyone use their own cell phones can appear unprofessional undefined especially if you are a customer-facing company.

    Services like Grasshopper exist and they offer a low-cost way to get features like auto-attendant (press 1 to reach Jenny in Accounting) and call forwarding, but even they have a minimum monthly pricing plan.

    Phonebooth Free is, from what I can find, the only free VoIP-based phone system that will give you a local number with up to five extensions, offer call forwarding to multiple sources, voicemail with transcription, and the ability to let users connect with you from the web (like the Google Voice widget) for free.

  • 21 Sep 2012 6:25 AM
    Reply # 1078748 on 1076088
    Robin Carriger (Administrator)
    We've used Grasshopper for quite a while now.  It's inexpensive and reliable for fax and voice mail.  Having said that, answering the phone yourself or calling back very quickly after you notice you missed a call is essential if you want to talk with the truly motivated seller before he/she moves on to the next investor who will buy his/her house quickly with cash.
  • 22 Sep 2012 1:02 PM
    Reply # 1080041 on 1076088


    I am very thankful towards your feedback (and articles) and am considering your suggestions.  It's good to know that some of you are using services that I was previously evaluating through my Google searches and phone calls.

    Sincerely appreciative,


  • 08 Oct 2012 10:28 PM
    Reply # 1098460 on 1076088
    Deleted user
    Has anyone in the group any experience with AdTrakker and FreedomVoice? 
  • 09 Oct 2012 8:25 AM
    Reply # 1099004 on 1076088

    Hi barry

    No experience but I've heard good things about FreedomVoice


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