Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Special Half-Day Class (6/17/17)
Land Trusts Made Simple

Randy Hughes


I know a unique & interesting Real Estate investor.  One I think you should know too.  His name is Randy Hughes. He’s an active Real Estate Investor like you and me, and he’s been at it for 40-plus years.  He has also learned a thing or two about asset protection and privacy, so people call him from all over the country almost every day to ask him questions.

Randy recently reminded me that, as Real Estate Investors, we can create financial privacy and asset protection at NO COST to us!  That’s right, it costs NOTHING for you and your family to be more secure.  I even have to ask myself, “WOW!  How can that be?

Randy has agreed to teach a class for us during which he will explain how protecting your assets can actually cut your cost of real estate investing.  All you have to do is attend this class and listen! You’ll want to take good notes, too, because

Randy will explain to you how you can:

  • Make bigger profits when selling on an installment contract
  • Eliminate the risk of selling on a note or contract
  • Make more money when selling on a lease-option
  • Eliminate confrontations with tenants
  • Combine this one essential step with LLC’s for dy-no-mite asset protection
  • Avoid due-on-sale, transfer taxes, re-assessment upon sale and seasoning issues
  • Obtain privacy of ownership and avoid frivolous lawsuits

Please take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from a true professional who has been in the trenches for over four decades.  Register now for this training now to reserve your seat!

Believe me: It is hard to find anybody as knowledgeable about this stuff.  Randy is downright passionate about shielding himself and his loved ones from unwanted risk.  One day he realized he had studied so much, that he knew more than any of his advisors!  So, I have arranged for YOU to learn from someone who is recognized as a NATIONAL EXPERT on how to hold onto those properties for which you’ve worked so hard.

Randy has trained thousands of Real Estate Investors. Here’s your chance to be part of this elite group.  Don’t miss out on this special presentation that I have setup.  NO ONE knows more about protecting your assets than Randy.  This is your opportunity to ask questions from THE EXPERT!


Ps. Everyone wants to talk to Randy.  Seven days a week he gets calls from people who are eager to learn from him.  Here’s your chance to see him live and in person!  Take advantage of your opportunity NOW.

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