Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Expanding my Cash Buyers List

  • 09 Mar 2021 1:54 PM
    Reply # 10180141 on 10130635

    Hi Donovan please add me to your list.  ccee30@yahoo.com

  • 11 Mar 2021 8:15 PM
    Reply # 10187110 on 10130635

    Please add my email in your buyers list.


  • 16 May 2021 10:45 PM
    Reply # 10514857 on 10130635

    Add me as well. Im a cash buyer


  • 17 May 2021 11:41 AM
    Reply # 10517113 on 10130635

    Hi Donovan, please add me to your buyers list.  I primarily buy 1200sf and smaller frame houses on large lots in Dallas and Tarrant Co. 

    Bill Barton


  • 04 Jun 2021 9:38 AM
    Reply # 10591245 on 10130635

    Hello please add me to  you list christine@tarlowinvestments.com

  • 06 Jun 2021 9:21 AM
    Reply # 10597412 on 10130635

    Please add me to your list. Ash.hoss@newwestern.com


  • 11 Jun 2021 2:05 PM
    Reply # 10618472 on 10130635
    Deleted user

    Yes Please,


  • 05 Jul 2021 3:36 PM
    Reply # 10730004 on 10130635
    Donovan Jasso wrote:


    I do about 5-10 deals a month with lots and properties all over DFW. If you'd like to be added to my VIP buyers list, please answer the following:

    • Name/Number/Email
    • What counties you prefer to buy in
    • What you buy (Lots, SFR, Multi-fam, Commercial)
    • Price range or budget

    Thank you!

    Good Day,

    Please reply to fomalooke@protonmail.com

    Last modified: 07 Jul 2021 4:21 PM | Robin Carriger (Administrator)
  • 06 Jul 2021 7:31 AM
    Reply # 10731474 on 10130635

    Yes please add me to your list for deals in Tarrant, Parker, Hood, Palo Pinto and Johnson Counties please.  I'm looking for Flips and Buy and Hold type deals and specialize in Low to NO Equity deals so send em to me if you have them.  My best email is MasterREI@AllWholesaleProperties.com.  Thanks Tim Cook.  

  • 07 Jul 2021 5:46 PM
    Reply # 10736076 on 10130635

    Add me to your list sma3har@yahoo.com

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