Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Discussion Forum Rules

  1. We are VERY GLAD you’re here, but we’re the boss.  All posts are property of DFWREIClub.com.  If you don’t agree to this, please do not post here.
  2. Be nice.  We will not tolerate flaming, discrimination, bullying, profanity, obscenity, lewd conduct, libelous content, etc.  If you would not do or say it in one of our regular meetings, please do not say it here.
  3. No overt self-promotion.  If you are trying to help someone (answering a question) by giving them information about yourself, that is fine.  If you are looking to advertise or increase your “Google-juice” please don’t (this includes posting your own website address).  Instead, you can contact Robin via info@dfwreiclub.com and he will be happy to interview you about offering your services to our members as a paying sponsor.  Violations will be edited or deleted without notice.  Repeat offenders will have their accounts disabled.
  4. No illegal activity.  We don’t permit ANY kind of illegal activity.  Violations will be deleted and violators will be reported to the authorities ASAP.
  5. No Double Posting or Spamming.
  6. No Topic Bumping.
  7. Think About What You Are Posting.  Once you post something to the forum it becomes available for the world to see.  Give some consideration before posting your private information.  While we do everything in our power to prevent the misuse of our members’ info, we cannot stop the spiders and ‘bots out there that are harvesting emails and phone numbers for illegal/immoral purposes.
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